TIL Handlebars.js each has an else

Today I learned that Handlebars.js has an {{else}} instruction when you're iterating over a collection with {{each}}. This allows you to make a contextualized check if the collection is empty.

This is great because it's one less block you'll have to deal with when validating state. So instead of the old ugly:

{{#if foos}}
    There are no foos for you at this time.
    {{#each foos as |foo|}}
        LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL FOO: {{foo.name}}

You can just:

{{#each foos as |foo|}}
    LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL FOO: {{foo.name}}
    There are no foos for you at this time.

Which is a lot more readable IMO👌 Read more about the built-in helpers here